Accessories & disposable gowns (IBSGROUPE LTD)
Clothes for operating rooms (Labor tekstil - Turkey)
Clothing for hospitals (IBSGROUPE - Made in UK)
Clothing for hospitals, clinics & laboratories (Labormedikal - Turkey)
Disposable gowns and operating theatre accessories
Disposable medical accessories (IBSGROUPE Ltd - UK)
Disposable surgical gowns (IBSGROUPE LTD - UK)
Gloves and sabots (Made in EU and tgloves-and-sabotsurkey
Sterile and non-sterile gowns (IBSGROUPE Ltd - UK)
MEDICAL CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES(Gowns, caps, gloves, scalpels, etc.).
(Gowns, caps, gloves, scalpels, etc.).