Practical, easy-to-use additional equipment is a must for effective assistance with MEDUCORE Standard².
Optional package.
1 12-lead ECG for MEDUCORE Standard²
ECG cable with connector for 6-pin extension cable (WM 45455)
and 6-pin extension cable (WM 45447)
1 12-lead ECG e-mail transmission, for MEDUCORE Standard²
Requirement: 12-lead ECG option unlocked,
4 Annual fee for e-mail transmission of 12-lead ECG, for MEDUCORE Standard² over 4 years
1 MAG adapter for recharging MEDUMAT Standard² with power supply/charger unit or 12V adapter cable
1 Power pack/charger, 100 W, for MEDUMAT Transport, MEDUMAT Standard², MEDUCORE Standard in protective carrying bag and for rechargeable battery PLUS, complete, incl. “European” type F plug (WM 17465)
1 Pulse oximetry sensor (SoftTip®), size L, reusable
1 Pulse oximetry sensor (ear clip), reusable
Ref : IBSLTD146